

Hold a seminar at Taiwan Society of Critical Care Medicine Spring Symposium.

Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Deputy Superintendent Ming-Shien Wen MD. (First from left) Taichung Veterans General Hospital Chun-Te Huang MD. (Second from left) Taichung Veterans General Hospital Deputy Superintendent Chieh-Liang Wu MD. PhD. (Second from right) visit the venue

● Invite Chun-Te Huang MD. from Taichung Veterans General Hospital to give a speech of "Using AI Software for Prediction in Acute Kidney Injury (Case Study of QMS Collaboration at Taichung Veterans General Hospital)"

● Chairman of Huede Healthtech Co., Ltd. Jerome Chao delivers a speech at seminar with topic: "Sharing AI Applications in Respiratory Care (Case Study of CIS Collaboration with Changhua Christian Hospital).

General manager of Huede Healthtech Co., Ltd. gave a presentation of our products and development at the seminar.

General manager of Huede Healthtech Co., Ltd. gave a presentation of our products and development at the seminar.

Chairman of Huede Healthtech Co., Ltd. Jerome Chao delivers a speech at seminar with topic: "Sharing AI Applications in Respiratory Care (Case Study of CIS Collaboration with Changhua Christian Hospital).

Chairman of Huede Healthtech Co., Ltd. Jerome Chao delivers a speech at seminar with topic: "Sharing AI Applications in Respiratory Care (Case Study of CIS Collaboration with Changhua Christian Hospital).

Invite Chun-Te Huang MD. from Taichung Veterans General Hospital to give a speech of "Using AI Software for Prediction in Acute Kidney Injury (Case Study of QMS Collaboration at Taichung Veterans General Hospital)"

Invite Chun-Te Huang MD. from Taichung Veterans General Hospital to give a speech of "Using AI Software for Prediction in Acute Kidney Injury (Case Study of QMS Collaboration at Taichung Veterans General Hospital)"

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